I’d sure like for us to become better acquainted. It’s kind of awkward over the internet. However, I have a few Q&A items that might serve us to this end. Today’s centers on the people – women in particular – for whom I write.
I hope that you will comment below and introduce yourself, as well, and let me know what brought you here.
Thank you! In advance: it’s nice to meet you. To read the first three posts, click here.
Today’s Topic: “To whom do you write?”
Well, Women, Leadership, and The Bible: How Do I Know What to Believe? helps Christian women who hold the Bible as their rule of life discern, for themselves, answers to theological questions. It is about how to discern, theologically and biblically, answers to their life’s theological questions. Plenty of books already exist telling women what to think; precious few help women think critically for themselves, particularly about theological issues. I hope to encourage women that they can do it, that they can think for themselves, that they can analyze significant theological issues, despite any hesitations they may have, any conflict surrounding them regarding the issue, or any lack of theological training.
For example, in my book, the primary case study for developing this critical biblical and theological discernment is the issue of women’s roles in church leadership. I invite women who have never truly considered it biblically and theologically to consider it through study, prayer, and a series of thoughtful filters that help them come to a conclusion about it for themselves. I also hope to challenge women who think they’ve already considered this issue, no matter their current position, to reconsider it. Often, people think they have researched a topic, but actually only read sources and authors that reflect or hold their own perspective or the one most familiar to them. If they consider an opposing perspective at all, frequently it’s done second-hand, through a perceived expert or authority (author, pastor, family member, etc.) presenting the other perspective from a limited or downright incorrect understanding. I aim to help women think critically—biblically and theologically critically—about this issue, along with any others about which they have questions.
I hope to reach laywomen in particular, but will probably and hopefully also attract women who are “theologically interested,” in general, including women in ministry but who have never been to seminary—perhaps even a number who have been to seminary. I think, due to the somewhat technical nature of the discussions (eg. in order to teach an approachable introduction to exegesis for lay people), women most attracted to the subjects, and probably to me, may have at least a high school education, are critical thinkers, and are comfortable learning complex subjects, even if they don’t realize it yet.