Hello, friends!
I had wanted to get out an issue of “Dig Deep!” (The Verity Initiative LLC’s sometimes-monthly, sometimes-not newsletter) much earlier, but our house has been a house of sickness for the past three months or so. If it’s not been one person, it’s been another! Fevers, coughs, vomiting… You name it, we have had it. Of course, illness always comes on top of the rest of life, canceling out nearly everything else, including work and ministry life (not to mention housework, although I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing…).
In fact, today I am dictating this entry from the doctor’s office while I wait for a steroid shot so that I won’t have to take antibiotics for the third time in three months. Despite the setbacks, I pressed in and created something I hope you’ll love: a set of materials for going deeper into the Easter story than you may ever have gone!
Click this image to find out more:
This post is just to bring you up to date a bit on my health and what’s happening.
The Health Issues
Beginning in late November, I experienced multiple sinus infections and severe, repeated bronchitis. You see the image at the top of this post? Yeah, that’s not a picture of my sinuses. That is an image of healthy sinuses.
Here’s mine:
In early March, I discovered through that CT scan – – that my sinuses are pretty much in a state of permanent sinusitis, because they’re fairly impacted and very full. Yucko.
The current plan is for surgery in mid-April to clear it all out. If you think of me, please pray for this. The work is very close to the eyes and the brain and carries with it a significant set of risks. I will be under general anesthesia. I take none of this lightly. The alternative is to continue having between five and seven sinus infections a year, with attending bronchitis symptoms, which is not always actual bronchitis, but may be caused by the wild gush of postnasal drip brought on by the never-ending sinusitis. Yummy.
For my natural-remedy friends (like me), don’t worry, I am pursuing all options. I am already taking several helpful natural supplements, using essential oils to free my breathing, and researching to see what other options there are besides surgery and drugs.
Thank you so much for praying for me and for the work to which I believe God has called me: training and encouraging women to study God’s Word with skill and confidence.